knowledgeable的读音是英 ['nɒlɪdʒəbl] 、美 ['nɑːlɪdʒəbl]. 释义。知识渊博的;有知识的;知识渊博的人;知识渊博;有见识的;聪明的。 短语搭配。 knowledgeable person. 知识渊博的人;百事通;有真才实学的人。 knowledgeable observer. 知识渊博的观察者;有知识的观察者。 双语例句。 She is very knowledgeable about livestock and pedigrees. 她在家畜及其纯种系谱方面有非常丰富的知识。 He is ready to go to any knowledgeable and experienced person for advice. 他愿意向任何懂行的人讨教。 I am two years your senior but not as knowledgeable as you are. 我痴长你两岁,但学识不如你。 A well-travelled journalist is naturally experienced and knowledgeable. 走南闯北的新闻工作者见多识广。 He is a very knowledgeable person. 他懂得很多。 knowledgeable 用法和例句提示: But there is a ferocious debate among knowledgeable analysts about timing , about how fast carbon prices should rise to significant levels . 但是在博学的分析家当中,对于时机、对于多快时间内将碳价格提到一个可观的水平,存在着激烈的争议。 The parent is bigger , stronger , more knowledgeable about many aspects of the world , and has control of more resources . 父母是强壮的,在诸方面都是博学的,掌握着更多的资源。 Many knowledgeable gloomsters think a two-state solution is too late already . 许多有见识的“悲观主义者”认为两个国家的解决方案已经太迟了。 At lunch the next day , we met local guide renuka savasere , a knowledgeable historian whose mission is to enlighten visitors about the history , architecture and crafts of kashmir . 在次日午餐时我们遇到了当地的导游莱努卡.萨瓦赛尔,她是一位博学的历史学家,她的任务是帮助游客了解克什米尔的历史、建筑和工艺等。
knowledgeable什么意思如下: 博学的;有见识的;知识渊博的 例句:1. I find the opportunity to ask questions of a knowledgeable instructor and hearing the class discussion invaluable. 我认为,向知识渊博的教师请教问题并聆听课堂讨论,这样的机会是非常宝贵的。 2. But a more knowledgeable, humanlike search engine could know that you were looking for your roommate Diana's online profile. 但是一个知识更加渊博,更像人类的搜索引擎会知道,你搜索的是你的室友戴安娜在网上的资料。 3. The Gemini partner is usually knowledgeable, sparkling and witty about any subject under the Sun except her own emotions. 双子的伙伴通常学识渊博,对任何议题,风趣闪闪阳光下的心情,除了她自己。 4. Look to get a professional who's knowledgeable about a home's system -- that person is likely to be a licensed professional engineer (PE). 找一个通晓房屋系统的人——通常他会拥有专业工程师执照(PE)。 5. If even the really knowledgeable, astute bloggers in this business are tired of my trying to defend Kobe, then maybe I should just stop. 甚至在篮球领域最权威,最精明的博客撰写者都厌倦了我为科比的辩护,或许我该停止了。 6. Thomas thought Miss. Lee was knowledgeable and looked up to her as his teacher. 汤姆认为李小姐很有学识并且把她尊为自己的老师。 7. I quickly learned that if you are knowledgeable, and willing to share your honest opinions, people will pay you for what you know. 我很快明白,如果你知识渊博,并且愿意分享你的宝贵经验,人们会对你加以回报。 8. Knowledgeable about private planes, luxury cars and new gadgetry, Salem became, as Coll puts it, a "royal concierge. " 他对私人飞机,豪华汽车和新潮玩意了如指掌,科尔形容他是“王室的门房”。