霸气英语怎么说,霸气的英文 霸气的英文怎样读,暴戾的意思暴戾的意思是什么,暴戾什么意思 暴戾意思...
霸气作名词,被人们广泛运用,也有人将霸气戏称为王八之气。那么,你知道霸气的英语怎么说吗? 霸气的英语释义: arrogance 霸气的英语例句: 他们需要在比赛中有舍我其谁的霸气,这种霸气是目前大家看不到的。 They need to gain a swagger about their game that is not currently present. 霸气的人未必就是生活中的强者。 Overbearing people are not necessarily strong people in life. 如果没有人喜欢你这种霸气行为的话,那么这个孩子将会觉得很孤独,虽然他可能是万人之上。 It can be pretty lonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways. 这个青年浑身的杀伐霸气如火,在他眼中只有一条通往目标的途径。 You have therefore nourished this fire with which you are now burning. 霸气英语怎么说 他辉煌的"战绩"显示了他和雅典人的富有与霸气。 This high number of entries made both himself and athens look very wealthy and powerful. 该椅精选黄花梨大料制作而成,造型端庄霸气,色泽古朴典雅。 This chair was made of pear wood, elegance and old-timey. 安徽芜湖展出的一双纯金高跟鞋。 (霸气。。。) High heels made from solid gold, shown in Wuhu, Anhui Province. 他虎步龙行,具有君王霸气。 He carries a mighty bearing, and has the air of a king. 姚明在国家队怒吼更衣室,谁敢说他没有霸气? Images of emaciated girl-band singers make me want to cry. 你们称之为命运的东西,我叫它幸运。很霸气,对吧。 what you call fate means good luck for me. 如果你想要些真正独特和霸气的杯子,那你可就来对地方了! And if you want something really unique and cool – you’ve come to the rightplace! 《人物》杂志评价这位霸气十足、曾出演《加勒比海盗》的男星“具有最酷的面容和迷人的颧骨。” People magazine described the swashbuckling "Pirates of the Caribbean" moviestar as "the king of cool with the killer cheekbones". 但在美国总统继任顺序中排名第五的美国财长身上应有的那股霸气哪儿去了? But where was the killer instinct you'd expect from a man who is fifth in line ofsuccession for the U.S. presidency? 在北京珠宝展销会上由ZhuFei设计的黄金眼镜。 (霸气!) Designed by Zhu Fei during gold jewellery competition in Beijing. 我不是没有闺蜜,只是某种程度上缺少了身边男生的这点霸气和魄力。 I am not close friend, only to some extent the lack of side boys this domineeringand courage. 漂亮就这样成为我的增高剂,培养了我的霸气。 Beautiful increased so as my agent, my domineering culture . 他姐姐也是有霸气的女人。 His elder sister is also a woman of great vigor. 撑着怎么“霸气”的雨伞,和自己心仪的对象,在雨中漫步好不惬意呀! Insisted on how "domineering" umbrella, and his favorite object, it really pleasantwalk in the rain it! 王者的霸气、美好的寓意更兼精湛的工艺赋予了这两幅佳作独特的艺术气息,是适合家居装饰、商务送礼的上等佳品。 The king's ambition, good moral more and exquisite craft to both of the uniqueartistic breath excellent work, is suitable for home decoration, business gifts of thefinest wheat. 现在他依然在继续前进。他道出了自己面临艰难抉择时的无怨无悔、霸气十足的心路历程。 And now that he's moved on, he has put forward an unapologetic, forceful account of the toughest decisions he faced. 华丽尊贵的曲风,描述著伟大建筑中国城紫禁城之尊贵之霸气。 Gorgeous and noble melody to describe the dignity and hegemony of grandChina palace. 商业、物质的香港演艺圈这次非常痛快地接受了这个一身霸气的北京男人,也接受了他的豪爽和热情。 HK entertainment circle accepts him, a man from Beijing, and he becomes good friend of many HK female movie stars. 略显霸气的贵族机动新星在用涂料体系全力包装后便在这个沙漠国家炽热的太阳光下万般之耀眼。 Enrobed in this paint system, the proud VIP-mobile now gleams in the blazing sunof this desert state. 高耸的领口,永远昂扬的头再加上大佬的风范和一股舍我取谁的的霸气,这就是坎通纳,曼联球迷心中永远的国王。 This is Kantona which stride forward with one's chin up forever with cocked collerand emit a strong hegemony. This is Kantona, the "King" in the hearts of the soccer - fans of Manchester United. 我喜欢科比只因为他的霸气跟王者风范! I like Kobe because of his domineering and demeanor! 但他们形之于外的霸气、朝气和热情,在中国的社会环境下往往不能被接受理解。 Yet their ways of manners are beyond the understanding of Chinese and oftenget misinterpreted. 这是一位年轻的皇帝,他带着他的霸气登上了皇位,可他也是一位优秀的皇帝,在他的统治下大清帝国很快达到了鼎盛时期。 This is a young emperor with his domineering, he ascended the throne, but he is also a good emperor, in his empire under the rule of the Qing period of rapidlyreaching a peak. 昨天,你霸气的“不准走。”好像钉子,将我钉在了电脑前。跟你有的没得聊个没完。 Your yesterday's overbearing tone"Donot go" nailed me in front of the computer, chin-wagging with you aimlessly. 纽约把姚明逼到外围?他刚刚投失了一个15英尺的球,但看看他扣篮时的灵活,敏捷和“敌意”(俺觉得也可以理解成为霸气吧) Knicks forced Yao Ming to the perimeter? He just missed a 15-footer… look at thedexterity, the agility and hostility… 同样的,就像网眼袜和小鞋子看上去很搞笑似的,他重新设计的制服就是第一套那种让罗宾看上去霸气、现实、而且很酷的制服。 Also, given how ridiculous the mesh trunks and pixie shoes have looked, it's worth saying that his redesigned costume is the first Robin suit to actually lookmenacing, practical and even cool.
霸气的英文 霸气的英文怎样读
1、霸气的英文:Domineering,英 [ˌdɒmɪˈnɪərɪŋ] 美 [ˌdɑːmɪˈnɪrɪŋ]。
2、我特别钟爱以虎为首的猫科动物,他们的幽秘气质和霸气是让人神往的。I especially love the tiger cats, led, and their temperament and domineering You Mi is the fascination.
3、由此,路易十三既有细腻优雅的表现,更有充满霸气的王者般的吸引力。As a result, Louis XIII of the performance of both the elegant and delicate, more full of domineering of the regal appeal.
暴戾什么意思 暴戾意思
1、暴戾,读音bào lì,汉语词语,意思为凶暴残忍,出自《吕氏春秋.慎大》。
2、出处:《诗·小雅·頍弁序》:“﹝幽王﹞暴戾无亲,不能宴乐同姓,亲睦九族。” 孔颖达 疏:“王之政教酷暴而戾虐。”《史记·六国年表序》:“今秦杂戎翟之俗,先暴戾,后仁义。”秦牧 《艺海拾贝·鲜荔枝和干荔枝》:“绝大多数神经病人都是相当沉默的……狂躁暴戾,反而是神经病中较少有的表现形式。”